Friday 6 October 2023

Its half day Friday ….

……………… Ha Ha it's not.

During my last chapter living and working in Southern Ontario, Fridays were always a half day. Typically, that would mean finishing work between twelve noon and 1.00pm, which was directly dependent upon the time you chose to arrive in the morning.

Half day Fridays were truly wonderful, nothing much was done during the five hours that we sold our time. Everything was very casual including the dress code, it was almost festive, perhaps borderline party time with cups of coffee, donuts and lots of chatting. For me I always got the same wonderful feeling on Fridays that was so familiar when I was a kid, the one that came with enormous delight on the day that school broke up for the long summer holidays.

Looking back now, I can honestly say I never really enjoyed my working days or even my time at school. In all those years, it was never what I actually wanted to do or spend my precious time doing it.

So, in this chapter of no half day Fridays, no joy and excitement over long weekends, statutory holidays or annual vacations, it is OK, in fact it is a lot more than OK. I am doing now what I spent years wanting to do, which in the words of Winston Churchill can be summed up as ~ “all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial.”

This morning I was out early with my camera for a hop, skip and jump down to the LaHave River, before taking the ferry over to the other side and onto Lunenburg.

You will see the decks on Bluenose II look good and fresh after some annual maintenance, before getting all covered over for the winter.

1 comment:

  1. It is a fact, once you retire, long weekends are for the rest of them, no more half days, no more public holidays, I think we should get cash back instead.
