Wednesday 31 July 2024

Where did July go ….?

Regardless of how many times I look at the calendar, or confirm the date on my iPad or computer, I cannot alter the fact it is the last day of July ~ it leaves me asking, where did the last four weeks go …?

It is now over a month now since I returned from my “Euro 2024” adventure, which was four weeks long. By comparison to the haste of July, I am thankful the Euro trip felt much longer and did not seem to be in any hurry to get somewhere.

Not wanting to waste this last of the month, I was out early this morning for a beach wander and a visit to the LaHave Islands. When I left Pleasantville, it was bright warm sunshine, then just 10Km down the road it became misty and chilly. Upon my return at the very same point on the road, it became warm, bright and sunny again.

This morning’s pics of the islands and beach ….

Sunday 14 July 2024

Can a morning be any more perfect …?

Probably ~ in fact it may be on my next early morning beach wander.

With the tide just turning from its low, I was out early for an absolutely wonderful visit to Crescent Beach and the LaHave Islands. It was nice to sit on my rock in the company of the warm morning sun, and watch the constant changing mist formations over the islands.

After this it was off to the islands to enjoy the peace and quiet that all seems to be a pleasant feature there.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Back out on the local beaches …

For the first time since my return from the “Euro 2024” adventure, I was back out for a wander on the local beaches. It must be about five weeks since I was last out on them, and one notable change is the sand levels at both Crescent and Rissers has significantly increased.

With the tide on its way out, the weather on both beaches frequently alternated between bright warm sunshine to cool thick fog. It was great to be back out again with my thoughts, having spent most of last week regaining a lot of lost sleep and adjusting to the Pleasantville time zone. As for my thoughts ~ well they were laying out ground work for my next bucket list adventure.