Sunday 17 September 2023

Any closer we ........

 ….. would have had a couple of new windows, a roof and some siding.

With wind gusts of 110Km per hour (70mph) Hurricane Lee came by yesterday and took one of our trees at the front of the house down. If it had fallen perpendicular to the house and not slightly off to the side, it would have caused some extremely unfavourable damage.

"Lee" also knocked the power out for about 36 hours, which considering all the pre-hurricane alerts that was not too bad. This meant the “Champ” was pulled into position in the well vented garage and used to keep us going on coffee, hot food, lights, the internet and flushing toilets.

You can see more about the Champ from April 2017 at ~

“Bring on the power cuts ~ The Champ is ready .... ~

Today with the help of Buddy Brett we got the fallen tree cut up and the wood split. Brett brought along his tractor, wood splitter and chainsaw, which proved to be a lot better over my own Barbie brand designed by Mattel and manufactured by Husqvarna, which is recommended to be used sparingly by those who are genuinely petrified of chainsaws ~ me …!!!!

The link below to a previous blog from May 2018 ~ “A new family member” ~ tells of the acquisition of my chainsaw ~ 

This other link below is to a blog from September 2022 ~ “After three years …..” ~ is about another tree which was removed three years after Hurricane Dorian brought it down. At that time Buddy Rejean and Brett where on hand for that event ~

With what I believe to be a somewhere between two and three hundred trees on our lot and the many predictions of more aggressive hurricanes in the future, there is potential for further blogs on this subject …..


  1. Thanks for all the pictures and I am happy to know that you and your family were not severely affected. Stay safe my friend.

  2. It is so 'Nova Scotian' to have neighbours come to your rescue. We also lost power in Lunenburg for 36 hours and with no generator, freezer and fridge contents would have been lost. Our own neighbour came to our rescue, brought his portable Honda generator over and we were able to share it for a few hours.
