Tuesday, 31 January 2017

A tranquil day out to Green Bay

A drive along to our local little gem ~ Green Bay. The day was bright and chilly, but warm in the sun. Today as the tide was rolling out the sea had a placid temperament about it. Green Bay is certainly a beautiful location in any season with views over to the LaHave Islands it is always quiet, peaceful and serene.
Looking over to the LaHave Islands
Heather on the rocks
Buddy on the beach

Monday, 30 January 2017

Billy the poser

This morning young Billy was getting his cage cleaned out, so while that was happening he decided to admire himself on the big mirror. Eventually with a certain degree of unwillingness he returned to his cage and his own smaller mirror.

Friday, 27 January 2017

A sepia day out

As I wander through this merry chapter, I am basking in the delights of photography.
One of the most powerful, yet difficult elements to master in photography is capturing emotion and feeling. A really great image is one that conveys a mood and pulls the viewer into the scene. If a photo tells a story or tugs at the heartstrings then it is successful.
As I journey on, I learn to my own satisfaction how to use light, location, colours, weather, subject matter and composition to create photos. I hope the results will connect to the viewer, evoking the emotion and feelings that seems always to be present in the South Shore.

The selection below where taken on the day of this post at Rissers Beach, Crescent Beach, Bush and Bell Island. I thought today I would do everything in sepia, an attempt at capturing something ......

Thursday, 19 January 2017

The first NS Clootie Dumpling

25th September 2016

The Clootie Dumpling is a traditional Scottish pudding most closely associated with Christmas and Hogmanay. Like myself many Scots have fond memories of their grandmothers or their mothers making "The Clootie".
For me The Clootie offers a nostalgic and comforting path to lovely memories from the past. Those Christmas dinners at gran’s house and the awful choice that was always given ~ “Graeme do you want dumpling or trifle ..?”

All through the homemade soup, turkey, roast potatoes and other trimmings I would internally debate the inevitable dumping/trifle question.
It always worked out well though, gran would give me both …..

Very Happy Memories

The bits and pieces ~

1lb of Self Raising Flour
1 Tea Cup of Sugar
½lb Grated Apple
1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon
½ Pint of Milk
1 Teacup of Breadcrumbs
1 Teacup of Shredded Suet
¾lb of Raisins
1 Grated Carrot
1 Tablespoon of Treacle
½ Teaspoon of Salt
Suitable cloth

The assembly and processing ~
Mix the flour, sugar, breadcrumbs, suet, salt and spices.
Add currants, raisins, grated apple and carrots ~ mix well
Add milk and treacle, blend well together making sure all flour is mixed in.
Scald a cloth with boiling water, dust flattened out cloth with flour and then place the mixture on the cloth.
Tie securely allowing room for the dumpling to swell.
Boil steadily for 3 to 4 hours.
Remove cloth and dry off in the oven at 325ºC for about 25 minutes.

 Enjoy ….!!!!!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Rose Bay and Feltzen South

A rather brisk day, but still good for a wander on Sand Dollar Beach at Rose Bay and a visit to Feltzen South with its grey coloured sandy beach.
In the harbour photo below see the buoys which are keeping afloat the lobster cages.
Another interesting abandoned building and wagon frame.