Monday 16 September 2024

An early morning jaunt ...

Following on from yesterday’s blog “An early evening jaunt …” today I was up and out for an early morning jaunt, with my chosen location being Cherry Hill Beach.

I never want to claim that any one beach is my favourite, all the local beaches are completely different and offer their own particular level of enjoyment and natural features. Every time I go the Cherry Hill, I always have very high expectations for my visit ~ this morning they were exceeded beyond belief ~ with the tide on its way out it was stunningly beautiful, warm and absolutely perfect.

In all my previous visits to Cherry Hill, I have never seen more than five or six people there, today was no exception, I believe that I counted four others whose smiles were just as big as mine.

Comparing it to Crescent or Rissers beaches, the migratory birds (Plovers and Sandpipers) seemed to be a little more camera shy and certainly very nervous when I got near to them, I am wondering if that is due to the lack of human visitors to the beach.

Indeed, it was perfectly grand morning’s outing, perhaps one of the best I had since moving to the South Shore …

Sunday 15 September 2024

An early evening jaunt ...

With it being a beautiful warm evening, I decided to head over the river (via my favourite mode of transport ~ the LaHave Ferry) to Lunenburg, Stonehurst and Blue Rocks.

Docked in Lunenburg was the barque Picton Castle and Bluenose II. The Picton Castle has recently returned to her home port of Lunenburg after the latest global circumnavigation adventure, which I followed daily with much envy via the Captain’s Log posted on the barque’s web-site.

The Picton Castle is registered in the Cook Islands and is famous for her worldly voyages. Built in as a Fishing Trawler in 1928, she served with the Royal Navy in WWII as a Minesweeper during which she was known as the Liberator of Norway.

More can be learned about the Picton Castle from the following web-site, be sure to view the 5-minute video on the front page of the site. 

Click on the image or link ~

I thoroughly recommend the following eight-part documentary series covering one of Picton Castle's global circumnavigation adventures, all are available on YouTube. The link below is to episode one ~

Back to this evenings pics ....