Wednesday 29 June 2022

No sign of Peggy, but ….

………. we did see far too many tourists.

After what is now six years of living permanently in Nova Scotia, I seem to have developed an attitude about to many visitors tramping all over it …!!

Normally a summer visit to Peggy’s Cove has to be avoided, but this morning after dropping off a car load of donations at Hammonds Plain, which will be sent over to Ukraine, I thought we would go and see the newly built viewing platform.

Even with two full carparks of visitors, you will see from the photos, we still managed to find quiet spots to enjoy the natural and some man-made beauty.

Below are links to previous Peggy’s Cove visits during much quieter times ~

Gee, there must be a pandemic or something …

Peggy's Cove in sepia

Who is Peggy ...?

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Out and about ....

On this dry, overcast but sometimes sunny day, I went for a drive on the other side of the LaHave River.

First stop after the ferry crossing was to Hirtles Beach, followed by a wander around Lunenburg and then final stop at Blue Rocks before the lovely drive along the east side of the LaHave River and home.

Sunday 12 June 2022

Sunset wander …

At the end of a beautiful day and with not much else on the agenda, I decided to go and see the sunset from Crescent Beach and the LaHave Islands.

While I was there, the tide peaked at possibly the highest level I have seen on the beach at 1.90m. In addition to that, there also were a lot of deer and foxes running around the island, more than I have ever seen before ~ but no photos of them.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Not just sea, sand and sunshine …

On this beautiful bright and warm day, I went out for a morning stroll on Crescent Beach. As is often the case, I was the only one on the beach ~ I have been tempted, when others are on Crescent with me, to mention with some authority that they are trespassing …!!!

With the tide receding from its high and after my customary sit on the rocks, I started to make my way back along the vacant beach, when suddenly a military aircraft flew over me. With much haste and an enormous amount of fumbling around, I managed to take a couple of really terrible photos of what I believe was a CP-140 Aurora out of RCAF Greenwood (14 Wing Greenwood).

As I watched the aircraft fly south west towards Green Bay, the pilot dipped his wings a couple of times on both sides ~ I thought perhaps a signal …?

He then flew on a complete circle around the bay and back towards me on Crescent Beach. This time with a little less fumbling, I got a couple of reasonable but not perfect photos. He then turned north west towards Greenwood.

Here are a couple of blog links to my past experiences with RCAF Greenwood ~

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth ..

and ..

The Lost Voices of WWII RAF/RCAF Greenwood

Below are photos of the morning beach and the CP-140 Aurora …