Monday 17 October 2022

Down the other side of the river and beyond …

With an early bright morning, I figured that it would be a bright sunny warm day. So, with that I took a beautiful drive along the other side of the LaHave River to Lunenburg and then onto Mahone Bay, with stops along the way at Corkums and Hermans Islands.

One end of the Lunenburg waterfront was a little noisier than usual with much clattering and banging, as crewmembers of The Picton Castle were getting her ready for the upcoming around the world sail. While at the other end, workers were working on Bluenose II getting her ready for winter storage.

You can read more about both The Picton Castle and Bluenose II by clicking on the following blog links ~

The Picton Castle

Tall Ships in Lunenburg

It was a grand day out with the fall colours almost at their peak ……


  1. I've been trying to get in a fall colours trip to Nova Scotia for years. I've a buddy that lives near Bridgewater that wants to tour me around to the good spots, but scheduling is complicated, and after the hurricane I kind of gave up on the idea. Now I'm regretting that decision.

  2. These pictures looks fantastic, they bring out all the beautiful colours. You are very good with your new Camera. I love all the beautiful sceneries.
