Due to ongoing projects in the house, I have been unable to get out with my camera recently to wander around my favourite places, and it looks as though that may be the case all month ….
Just the other day
while lifting basement floors, I was thinking about our journey to Nova Scotia.
By journey I don’t mean the drive from Ontario, a drive where I did not look in the rear-view mirror ...!!!, but more of the journey we took via our reconnaissance
trips to Nova Scotia.
Prior to the eventual move to Nova Scotia in July 2016, we made five visits to the province and one to Newfoundland. All the visits were made during June, except for February 2016 when we bought the house. The main purpose of the reconnaissance trips, was to travel around as much of the province as possible, to basically decide upon the area we would like to live. That was somewhat decided during our first visit in June 2012 and it was to be Lunenburg County in the South Shore. There were a number of reasons for this which included, the milder winters, the friendly nature of the locals, the LaHave Bakery, the fantastic beaches and much more.
Below is a random
selection of photos in no particular order taken during some of our reconnaissance
trips, they are from Cape Breton, the Annapolis Valley, Halifax and the South Shore.